北京列举网 > 跳蚤市场 > 艺术/工艺/收藏品 > 宋代官窑八棱贯耳瓶价值如何


更新时间:2019-08-19 11:28:23 浏览次数:69次
区域: 北京 > 大兴 > 西红门
价格:1200000 元
宋代是我国陶瓷发展史上个黄金时代,也是制瓷工艺上的百花齐放争相斗艳的时期,当时瓷窑遍布南北各地,名窑辈出,品类繁多,除了青、白两大瓷系之外,黑釉、青白釉(影青瓷)和彩绘瓷纷纷兴起,举世闻名的五大名窑,汝、哥、官、钧、定都产生于这个时期,产品为后世珍重。贯耳瓶,高22厘米 口径7.8厘米 底径7.8厘米 。Song Dynasty was the first golden age in the history of China's ceramics development, and it was also a time when a hundred flowers blossomed in the process of making ceramics. At that time, there were many famous kilns all over the north and south, and there were many kinds of kilns. In addition to the two major systems of blue and white ceramics, black glaze, blue and white glaze (shadow celadon) and painted ceramics emerged one after another, and the five famous kilns in the world were well-known. Ru, Ge, Guan, Jun and Ding all came into being in this period, and their products are valued by future generations. Ear-piercing bottle, 22 cm high, 7.8 cm in diameter and 7.8 cm in bottom diameter.
皇家陈设用或礼器类用瓷,流行于宋代,造型来源于汉代投壶式样,直颈较长,腹部扁圆,圈足,颈部两侧对称帖竖直的管状贯耳,故名。宋代官窑首先将其运用于瓷器之中。以此官窑八棱贯耳瓶为例,敞口束颈,抹肩弧腹,肩附双耳,彰显大气;腹部周正,体成八棱;圈足外撇。造型稳健古朴,工艺讲究。内外施满釉,釉层肥厚,釉质温润如玉,如织似锦,手摸光滑细腻,60倍放大镜下看,釉下气泡老化正常,均匀的气泡密集聚拢,真正的古代文献记载的“攒珠聚沫”,。此瓶造型周正,古朴大方,罕见八棱造型,线条流畅分明,做工精细,工艺技术高超,可谓南宋官窑之精良作品。Royal display or ceremonial porcelain, popular in the Song Dynasty, modelling from the Han Dynasty pot-throwing style, long straight neck, flat abdomen, ring foot, neck on both sides of the symmetrical vertical tubular piercing ear, hence the name. Official kilns in the Song Dynasty first used it in porcelain. Take the eight-edged ear-piercing bottle of Guanyao as an example, open neck, wipe shoulder and arc abdomen, shoulder with ears, highlight the atmosphere; abdomen is regular, body into eight-edged; circle foot outside. Steady and simple shape, exquisite craftsmanship. The glaze is full of glaze inside and outside, the glaze is thick, the glaze is warm and moist like jade, such as brocade weaving, smooth and delicate hand touch, 60 times magnifying glass, under the glaze, the bubbles aging normally, uniform bubbles gathering densely, the real ancient literature records of "beads gathering foam". This bottle is of good shape, simple and generous, rare octagonal shape, smooth and clear lines, fine workmanship and superb technology. It can be said to be a fine work of the official kiln of the Southern Song Dynasty.
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