北京列举网 > 跳蚤市场 > 艺术/工艺/收藏品 > 孙小头开国纪念币


更新时间:2019-08-09 15:00:39 浏览次数:89次
区域: 北京 > 大兴 > 西红门
价格:1200000 元
ZH民国开国纪念币是近代中国钱币中的精品,有着珍贵的历史熏陶,是价值很高的革命文物,具有深远的历史纪念意义,同时还是考古和研究中国历史文化难得的实物。珍贵的ZH民国开国纪念币是枚替换皇家龙图的钱币,意义极其珍贵,其记录了辛亥革命惊天动地的伟大历史,带着该历史时期鲜明的时代印记,历史价值浓郁。The commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China is a fine product of modern Chinese coins. It has precious historical edification, is a highly valuable revolutionary cultural relic, has far-reaching historical Memorial significance, and is also a rare object in Archaeology and research of Chinese history and culture. The precious commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China is the first coin to replace the Royal Dragon Tu, which has extremely precious significance. It records the earth-shaking great history of the 1911 Revolution. It bears the distinct imprint of the times in this historical period and has a strong historical value.
ZH民国 开国纪念币 壹圆/孙像 孙小头 直径3.9cm整体完好,图文清晰。 孙小头,这种纪念币有两个版本: ( 分别是在1912年和1927年铸造) 1927年版的“孙小头”: 如果背面印有两个五角星,称为“上五角星”;如果背面印有两个六角星,称为“上六角星”。银币正面中央珠圈内镌孙中山便装五分脸侧面肖像,珠圈外上端镌隶书“ZH民国”四个字,下端镌隶书“开国纪念币”五个字,珠圈外左右两端各镌一个呈对称的五瓣梅花枝。银币背面珠圈内中央镌竖写隶书“壹圆”二字,托以嘉禾图,左右各一枝,每枝一穗三叶,同民国元年的开国纪念币相似,但是珠圈外的英文设计则完全不同。珠圈外上环镌英文MEMENTO(纪念),两侧偏上各镌一个六花星。直线边齿,币面干净,钱文清晰,乃民国时期古钱币之精品,价值不菲。The first commemorative coin of the Republic of China/Sun Xiaotou with a diameter of 3.9 cm is intact with clear pictures and texts. Sun Xiaotou, this commemorative coin has two versions: (Found in 1912 and 1927 respectively) The 1927 edition of "Sun Xiaotou": if there are two pentagons printed on the back, it is called "Upper Pentagon"; if there are two hexagons printed on the back, it is called "Upper Hexagonal Star". Sun Yat-sen's plain clothes with five facial portraits in the central pearl ring on the front of the silver coin, four words of the official script "Republic of China" on the top of the Pearl ring, five words of the official script "Founding of the People's Republic of China" on the bottom, and five symmetrical plum blossom branches on the left and right sides of the Pearl Ring ring. On the back of the silver coin, the word "one circle" is written vertically in the center of the bead circle. With Jiahe Tu, each branch has one ear and three leaves. It is similar to the commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China in the first year, but the English design outside the bead circle is totally different. The outer ring of the bead ring is English MEMENTO (commemoration), with a six-flower star on each side. Linear edge teeth, clean surface, clear money, is a fine piece of ancient coins in the Republic of China, the value is not bad.
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