检 验 项 目
T e s t I t e m 检 验 标 准
T e s t S t a n d a r d 检 验 结 果
T e s t r e s u l t
性状(Characters) 白色结晶粉末
(White crystalline powder) 合格(Conform)
含量(Assay) ≥99.5% 99.9%
(Appearance of solution) 应符合规定
(Comply with the standard) 合格(Conform)
(Aqueous reaction) 应符合规定
(Comply with the standard) 合格(Conform)
溴化物(Bromides) ≤0.01% 0.003%
硫酸盐(Sulphates) ≤0.002% 0.0004%
磷酸盐(Phosphate) ≤0.001% 0.0003%
砷(Arsenic) ≤0.00005% 0.00002%
碘(Iodate) ≤0.002% 0.0003%
钙(Calcium) ≤0.005% 0.002%
铁(Iron) ≤0.0002% 0.00006%
钾(Potassium) ≤0.02% 0.004%
镁(Magnesium) ≤0.002% 0.0004%
钡(Barium) ≤0.001% 0.0003%
重金属(Heavy me<x>tal) ≤0.0005% 0.0002%
氮化合物(Nitrogen compounds) ≤0.001% 0.0004%
干燥失重(Loss on drying) ≤0.5% 0.2%
亚铁(Ferrocyanide) ≤0.0001% 0.00004%
水不溶物(Water-insoluble) ≤0.005% 0.002%
结论(Conclusion):符合分析纯之规定(The above product complies with AR)