1 适用范围(Scope of Application)
本规格书适用我司生产的Feel Board协同书写板:F49/T32/ Z215
This specification applies to Feel Board of F-49/Z215/T32 model developed by Lonton Group.
It’s well applicable to both overseas and domestic education and conference scenarios.
In total, there are three product forms:1) wireless mobile stand type; 2) Desktop Feelboard display; and 3) Wireless speaking desk
2 产品视图(Product Details)
(产品尺寸图详见附页)(See attached sheet for product size)
无线移动式 (Wireless Mobile Stand Type)
(The picture is for reference only, specific to prevail in kind.)
无线桌面式(Desktop Feelboard display)
无线讲台式(Wireless speaking desk)